Why Join Afriexporter International Expo Why the Blue Economy Matters

Nigeria's newly introduced Ministry of Blue Economy underscores the nation's commitment to exploring the vast potential of its coastal resources. With sustainable practices and innovative technologies, the blue economy presents a transformative opportunity for economic diversification, job creation, and environmental conservation.

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Empowering the Blue Economy

Explore opportunities and strategies for harnessing the potential of Nigeria's blue economy, including sustainable fisheries, aquaculture, and marine resource management


Enhancing Non-Oil Exports

Examine policies, financing, and logistics to drive the growth of non-oil exports, ensuring Nigeria's global market penetration


Technology and Innovation

Showcase technological advancements that contribute to efficient export processes, environmental sustainability, and economic growth


International Collaborations

Foster partnerships and investment prospects in the blue economy and non-oil export sectors, promoting global trade integration


Recognition and Vision

Recognize outstanding achievements in the blue economy and exports, while envisioning the future of Nigeria's economic landscape


Afriexporter International Expo 2024
(6th Edition)
Inclusive Blue Economy: Accelerating Regional and Global Exports

Afriexporter International Expo is back in 2024 for its 6th edition, and this time it's all about harnessing the potential of Nigeria's blue economy for regional and global export growth. As the world pays increasing attention to sustainability, economic diversification, and innovative trade practices, Nigeria stands at the forefront of a new era in economic development.

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Schedule Details Information of Event Schedules

Afriexporter International Expo 2024 is your gateway to a world of opportunities, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. Don't miss this chance to be part of the transformative journey toward a sustainable, prosperous future for Nigeria and the global trade community.

Pricing Plan Book Now




Early booking discount 10% available

Booking Available


Space Categories & Cost

Space Only - $220
(Nigerian) - #180,000

Indoor Scheme - $350
(Nigerian) - #300,000

Special Offer - $550
(Nigerian) - #450,000

Booking Available


Sponsorship Packages

Platinum Sponsorship - $12,0000

Gold Sponsorship - $8000

Silver Sponsorship - $6000

Booking Available

Reach us Our Sponsors

Reach us Get Direction to the Event venue

Lagos, Nigeria

To be announce

Venue Contact

Phone: +2348033935639

Email: exponigeria@afriexporter.com


Day 1: 9AM - 10PM

Day 2: 9AM - 10PM

Day 3: 9AM - 10PM

Brighton Waterfront Hotel, Brighton, London

1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States

Tickets info

Name: Ronaldo König

Phone: 009-215-5595

Email: info@example.com

Programme Details

Name: Ronaldo König

Phone: 009-215-5595

Email: info@example.com